How to protect yourself from fraud and being scammed

Sorted share these awesome tips and resources on how to protect yourself from being scammed.

When it comes to fraud and scams, knowledge is power.

Become a real-life superhero by arming yourself with the information you need to fight fraud and keep yourself, your family and your money safe.

Fraudsters are real. They are out there every day. They will target you online, over the phone, by mail or in person.

They will target anyone. Thousands of New Zealanders lose millions of dollars to fraudsters every year. All kinds of people are targeted, from teenagers to grandparents, uni students to senior corporate officers. The impact of fraud on families and businesses can be devastating.

Report it! The best thing you can do is to report the fraud, whatever the amount, to the appropriate authorities. Don’t be embarrassed – you're helping prevent others being caught in the same trap.


Kindness Collective - PJ Project


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